No the PS2 does not play Xbox 360 games only the Xbox 360 plays the games for it.
You can play PS2 games and some PlayStation titles. Consoles do not play PC games and the PlayStation will not play any of the Xbox or Nintendo consoles games. The PS2 does not Play PS3 games
i can only do it on xbox original it is great fun (-_-)
i dont think so unless you get a mod chipPeople like to throw out words like mod chip (a chip that would enable anything you want to happen even if the technology is not possible) A PS2 game is software designed to play exclusively on a PS2. Anything else that can play it must make the software work the same as in a PS2. It's not easy and the PS2 has many different games that make the process harder because they are different and each have there own design and development. That's why they have been working 10 years on the PCSX2 Beta for the PS2 PC emulator. Of course the Xbox 360 does not play PS2 games
No they are for the Xbox 360 like you said, why would you think they work on a PS2
No PS2 games do not play on the Xbox or Xbox 360
No. Only the original PlayStation games are formatted to work on a PS2, besides normal PS2 games of course.
Xbox 360 games do not play on the PS2 or they would be called Xbox 360/PS2 games
No the PS2 does not play Xbox 360 games only the Xbox 360 plays the games for it.
No it can not play PS2 games
No the Xbox 360 can not play a PS2 game
No you can not play PS2 Games on the Xbox 360
A ps3 can't play xbox games, I would think it could play ps2 games but im not sure.
Unfortunately not. The old xbox only accepts the xbox compatible discs, which is why you cannot play PS2 games on the xbox. But, if you were to buy the new xbox360 you can play some original xbox games on it, e.g. Halo or The Sims2. _Mr.Poop_ ( :
No, Xbox is made by Microsoft, while the PS2 was made by Sony.