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The DS is made to offer up three different ways of playing multiplayer depending on the game.

1.) Single Card Download Play

This allows the player the become a wireless download host to other DS owners in the immediate area. Other players can download part of the game temporarily to play against one another. This option is activated from the DS menu.

2.) Multi Card Play

A DS game with this label allows groups to share their data and progress with one another and play with their respective customized characters. This option requires every player to own a DS and to have a copy of the game. This option is activated in-game.

3.) Wifi

Some games come with free access to online servers set up to connect players from around the world on their DS. As long as you have access to a Wifi hotspot, you can connect to other online DS owners with the same game. This option requires some connection setup and is activated in-game.

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Q: Can you play multiplayer with DS and 3DS?
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Well, If you have a friend with a multiplayer game For single card, it's easy! just start the DS and tap the ds download play, once you see the game your friend has, tap it and it will load the game.

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Mario Kart ds multiplayer?

Hi! u can play multiplayer be someone else who has it or ds download play OR u can play on wifi! trust me it is great to play on multiplayer! cheers yoshikart2010

Can you play mario kart 3DS on regular ds?

Unfortunately no you can't play Mario Kart 3DS on a regular DS or a DS Lite or Any others