You most certainly can.
Just download all the expansion packs on your PC then use the latest game disc(i believe) and play.
It should come with all the content and add-ons (items, jobs, maps, etc...)
Unless you have an expansion pack installed you will need the base game disk in order to play. If you do have an expansion pack any of the disks can be used to play.
Yes. Seasons is an expansion pack that requires the basic game to play.
Yes you can. I have the Sims 2 Double Delux myself and I have all of the expansion packs installed and working on my PC.
Just like any other expansion or stuff pack, you need The Sims 3 in order to play The Sims 3 Supernatural.
you need an expansion pack to be able to play that game
No you can't you need the expansion pack to play it.
It's a Sims 2 expansion pack so you need Sims 2.
You have to have the Sims 3 base game to play any expansion pack.
I believe you can play Sims Castaway Stories without having to download the Sims 2 Castaway expansion pack.
Well you can't just have sims 2 expansion pack, you have to have the original Sims 2 before you can play and expansion pack
No there isn't, the only way to play an expansion pack is to have the base game installed.
u can't. u have to have the first sims 3 to play any expansion pack
You need to have Sims3 installed on your computer in order the be able to use ANY expansion packs.
You need to insert the disk to the newest expansion pack you have. Both pack will be played.
No you can't, you need the disk of the expansion pack to play the game.
On PC, the Sims 3 Late Night is an expansion pack, and so you can only play it if you have the Sims 3 installed already.
No, You Can't you have to use the expansion pack disc