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No. Because a Nintendo 64 is a console, and a Gba is a hand held console.

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Q: Can you play gba games on n64?
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How do you play a GBA game on your Nintendo 64?

You cannot. Some GBA games can interface with the Gamecube, but the N64 predates the GBA and therefore has absolutely no compatibility.

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Yes you can but you need a GBA Player cable that hooks up to the Gamecube see there are 2 cables that let you use your GBA and give stuff or play stuff on the gamecube there is the GBA to GCN cable and the GBA player cable get the player cable and you will be able to play GBA games on the Gamecube.

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No. The 3DS does not have a slot for GBA Cartridges and therefore cannot play GBA games.

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No a PS2 will not play Nintendo 64 games

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Will Japanese n64 games work American n64?

Yes the n64 can but to play Japanese games on the system is to get rid of the plastic tabs in the cart slot because that stop Japanese games from going in.

How do you play Pokemon games on your computer?

To play Pokemon games on computer you have to download a emulator I would recommend these: Desmume No$gba (not for gba games) and for playing gba games: Visual Boy Advance

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What site can you go to play n64 games without downloading them?

You can play them for free on a site called but it requires a plugin for SegaGenesis &n64/gba&snes

Can you play Game Boy Advance games for the oringnal Game Boy?

You can play gameboy color games in the gba but you can't play gba games in the gameboy color