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Yes, but you must install the Homebrew Channel and a USB loader.

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Q: Can you play copied games on the wii?
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Can you play burned Wii games on your Wii?

you need a software that burns and plays copied wii games

Do you need a mod chip to play burnt games on the wii?

yes you do need a modchip to play copied games on a Nintendo wii, their is no soft mod available yet to allow you to do this, however a wii can be soft modded to play gamecube copies.

How do you Copy Wii Games Play without a Modchip?

The only way to copy Wii games and play them without a modchip is to use the guide at: You can also learn how to play copied, backup, and import games, plus DVD's on Wii without a modchip using:

Can you play Wii games on the Wii you?

Of course. The Nintendo Wii can play Wii games as well as GameCube games.

Can you play Wii games on a Nintendo Wii?

Of course. You can play wii games & gamecube on wii

How do you play Wii games on your computer?

You can not play Wii games on your computer.

Can you play Nintendo games on the wii you?

Of course. The Nintendo Wii can play Wii games as well as GameCube games.

Are Wii U games compatible with the Wii console?

No, the Wii cannot play Wii U games. It's actually the opposite - the Wii U can play Wii games.

What Wii games does the Wii U play?

The Wii U can play all Wii games since it is backwards compatible.

Can you play DS games on Wii U?

No, the Wii U cannot play Nintendo DS games

How can you play Wii games on your PC?

You can not play Nintendo Wii games on a PC

How do you play DS games on your Wii?

you can't play ds games on your wii