No you can only play PS2 or PS1 games on your PS2. You can also play DVDs and CDs
you r install in PC ps2 emulter and bios and play ps2 games
by changing the PC to be able to play PS2 games which is called emulation and not by changing the game disc to be able to play on the PC
The PS2 game does not play on a PC. Even if the PC has an emulator it is the games file that will play and not a game disc
Crysis is a PC game and Crysis is a PS3 game and neither can play on a PS2. Look for PS2 games and then you will know they will play on a PS2. There are thousands of them for you to choose from
There is no software which will convert a PS2 Game Disc into a PC game Disc. PS2 emulation could allow a PC to play a PS2 game if you could find and download a reliable emulation
The PS2 game version will not play on a PC and SVR does not come as a PC game
A PS2 does not play a PC game, but it is a Nintendo Game and also not played by the PS2
you r install in PC ps2 emulter and bios and play ps2 games
by changing the PC to be able to play PS2 games which is called emulation and not by changing the game disc to be able to play on the PC
No there is poor quality software that will allow a PC to try to play the PS2 game, but none that will convent a PS2 game into a PC game
no you can not use a ps2 controler to play a PC game
no only ps2 games
The PS2 game does not play on a PC. Even if the PC has an emulator it is the games file that will play and not a game disc
The program to play PS2 on your computer is an emulator and it is not easy to set up and is not going to be like using a PS2 to play the game or even like using the PC to Play a computer game.
They are PS2 games and are not designed to be played in a PC even if your PC can play DVDs
PS2 do not play any games that are the PC versions of the game
You can play a PS2 game on a PS2. Old PS3 could play only some PS2 game titles and a PC can use a emulator to play the games in a poor imitation of the PS2