Sure! You can play The Sims 2 for free all you would like after you have purchased the game and have installed it onto your computer. There is no charge for playing the game, but it will cost you some money to purchase the game to access this privilege.
There is no free play mode on The Sims 2 for PSP. The player is able to use the character to move around anywhere in the game, but must play the game's storyline to unlock different things.
u tap one of your sims and click on another sims and choose what interaction u like
download it how can you get the sims 2 free for PSP?
the nly kind of online free sims game is sim social. you can play it on facebook. its ok but not as good as the regular sims pc
Yes you do, you need it to play on any of the sims 2 PC games
no where
no they have to get the CD too
Yes you have the ability to play in free play mode on the Sims 2 for PSP. In order to do so just go to the menu and choose the house of the Sims you want to play.
There is no free play mode on The Sims 2 for PSP. The player is able to use the character to move around anywhere in the game, but must play the game's storyline to unlock different things.
if its sims on the pc then yes
Free Play
You can get more dominions on Sims free play using cheat codes.
u tap one of your sims and click on another sims and choose what interaction u like
No you can not you must have either the Sims 2 or Sims 2 deluxe to play sims pets
you can't.