no you can not
Go to, log in using an account that had bought Minecraft and then click play in your browser under the Download Now! button on the main page. If you do not have an account that has paid for Minecraft then you can play Minecraft Classic for free.
Yes you can, but you need to download minecraft for macs
If you have access to an account that has bought Minecraft, which is hard to do for free, then you can play in-browser and download the launcher to play offline.
Why,yes! It is possible. I bought minecraft and gave the password to my firend and we play at the same time. But im not sure what you mean by using it for your brothers, like, using it at one computer, or are your brothers distant?
Try and send the file to another computer and play it on there!
no you can not
He bought Minecraft and uses the application
aslong as you have bought minecraft, the technic launcher is free to download and play, but you HAVE to have bought minecraft to use it.
Play the game
Yes, simply download it from the minecraft website.
obviously its amazing for ur computer if u play minecraft ur the best! :D
you just have to download it on the computer you want that minecraft to be
Go to, log in using an account that had bought Minecraft and then click play in your browser under the Download Now! button on the main page. If you do not have an account that has paid for Minecraft then you can play Minecraft Classic for free.
Yes, actually minecraft first came out on computer