Yes if you have it jailbroken iPod or iPhone
I've seen dungeons with only 1 floor and I've seen dungeons with 100 floors. Most dungeons I have encountered usually ran around 3-7 floors, but as long as each new floor is fun and interesting, there truly is no limit.
u play on because if you on the computer and looking up websites you play on it and if ur like throwing it up in the air and catching it that's playing with it
Minecraft is all about the account you made, you can log into that account on any computer, you are not forced to play it only on the computer that you purchased it on.
A Diamond can be found in the 2cnd Mine. On Floors 80 - 100 (Bring Food you will need it) Diamonds are not worth much just 100 G.
Not at this time.
You have to play it on apple products or on and android. Sorry for the inconvenience.
no u cant play 100 exits on your computer at this current time.
Highlight "100 FLOORS" with the tiles. See related link for screenshots.
100 Floors - 2012 VG was released on: USA: 4 May 2012
100 Floors - 2012 - VG was released on: USA: 4 May 2012
There are 100 floors including the summit.
The game has been releasing a few levels here and there. It now has 100 original levels and additional floors with new levels being released.
Not at this time.
no where
There is 99 floors in destiny tower. If u include the summit where u get the space globe is 100 floors.
The John Hancockcenter has exactly 100 floors.