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Naked, nameless, nappy, narcotic, narrow, nasal, nasty, national, nationalistic, nationwide, native, natty, natural, naturalistic, naughty, nauseating, nautical, naval, navigable, navy, near, nearby, nearsighted, neat, nebulous, necessary, needless, needy, negative, neglected, negligent, negligible, neighboring, neighborly, nerdy, nervous, neurological, neurotic, new, newfound, next, nice, nifty, nightmarish, nighttime, nimble, nine, noble, nocturnal, noiseless, noisy, nominal, nonchalant, noncommittal, nondescript, nondiscriminatory, nonexistent, nonfunctional, nonpartisan, nonpoisonous, nonprofit, nonresidential, nonstop, nonverbal, nonviolent, normal, northeast, northeastern, northern, northwest, northwestern, nostalgic, nosy, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, notorious, novel, noxious, nuclear, nude, nuisance, null, numb, numberless, numerical, numerous, nursing, nutritional, nutritious and nutty are adjectives. They begin with the letter n.

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