3 letter words that begin with the letter a:
X-rayXenonXeroxSince the question asked for "three-letter" words beginning with "X", how about "xis"?
Qua, qat
Some five letter words beginning with F are:favorfirstfaithfilthfloorflameflukeframefrailforgefurorflood
Some six letter words beginning with e are:eatingerodesearwigearwaxelopedeitherextortexertsemesisemulgeeponymeagletearfulequate
Positive words beginning with 'n' include:nicenobleneatnourishingnurturing
3-letter wordsxis
X-rayXenonXeroxSince the question asked for "three-letter" words beginning with "X", how about "xis"?
Qua, qat
3 letter work beginning with ex
Ohm, oho, and ohs are three-letter words that begin with 'oh'.
Words beginning with the letter A that have ghostly meanings include:apparitionapparitions
Some three letter words beginning with D are:diddogdoediedendindabduodotdigdrydye
Some five letter words beginning with F are:favorfirstfaithfilthfloorflameflukeframefrailforgefurorflood
Some six letter words beginning with e are:eatingerodesearwigearwaxelopedeitherextortexertsemesisemulgeeponymeagletearfulequate
four letter words beginning wih d are: Dart
map mat men man mop mug