no unless you defeat it
Pokémon #102, in Pokémon versions Diamond and Pearl, is Cresselia, the Lunar Pokémon. Cresselia is #488 on the National Pokédex, which is the Pokédex that lists all known Pokémon thus far. Cresselia is a legendary Pokémon in both the Diamond and Pearl versions of the Pokémon game and only one Cresselia can be found in the wild in both games. For more information about Cresselia, visit the "Related Links" on this page under this answer.
In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, you only have one chance to capture Uxie. If Uxie faints or if you run away, then you will not get another chance to capture it. The answer is no.
Route 208 and 210 only when Pokemon Ruby Version is inserted into the DS.Route 208- 8% chance- level 18Route 210 (north)- 8% chance- level 26
Um, no. The pokeradar can only be used in short grass and it is for chaining MULTIPLE pokemon. If you are asking about weather you can get shiny cresselia/mespirit you will have to soft reset for them.
no only cresselia is there
Pokémon #102, in Pokémon versions Diamond and Pearl, is Cresselia, the Lunar Pokémon. Cresselia is #488 on the National Pokédex, which is the Pokédex that lists all known Pokémon thus far. Cresselia is a legendary Pokémon in both the Diamond and Pearl versions of the Pokémon game and only one Cresselia can be found in the wild in both games. For more information about Cresselia, visit the "Related Links" on this page under this answer.
yes it is a legendary can only be find i think in Pokemon diamond pearl and platinum
palkia,,azelf,mesprit,uxie,heatran,cresselia and giratina(but only in altered forme) U r welcome
I looked it up, you can get Cresselia, but it doesn't say how. It only says you can get Cresselia at Sharpedo Bluff.
no, cresselia can only be caught in gens 4+
Palkia (pearl only) Dialga (diamond only) Giratina (platnium,diamond or pearl) Rotom Uxie Mesprit Azelf Heatran Cresselia Manaphy (you need Pokemon ranger to get Manaphy)
because it was only one and not the whole colony of cresselia
i don't think you can you only get one chance with them
palkia heatran uxie mesprit azlef regigigas giratina cresselia rotom phione manaphy EVENT ONLY darkrai arceus shaymin
Sadly, no. You must spread honey on a honey tree, that's your only chance to getting one. I'm sorry.
Starly: Chance; 20% Chansey: Chance; 5% Bibarel: Chance; 45% Staravia: Chance; 25% Mime Jr.: Chance; 5% (Diamond only.) Bonsly: Chance; 5% (Pearl only.) Zubat: Chance; 10% (Night) Gastly: Chance; 10% (Night)