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Q: Can you multiply an item using two dittos at the daycare center in Pokemon fire red?
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Related questions

Can you breed ditto and hitmonchan?

yes. Any Pokemon can breed with a Ditto. The outcome of the Pokemon will be the one that you bred with the ditto. the only way to breed dittos is to use 2 dittos.

How do you find Ditto in Pokemon Soul Silver?

You can find dittos in the grass around the daycare

What happens if 2 dittos lay an egg?

it will be a random pokemon. i know because my friend put 2 dittos in daycare and the egg hatched into raquaza.

Can you breed Pokemon with diddo?

Yes, you can breed Pokemon with ditto. Leave ditto with the other Pokemon in the daycare and eventually you will have an egg of the other ditto. If you wanted an egg of ditto though, I don't know but, I think you can leave two dittos in the daycare. You can not breed legendary Pokemon with ditto.

What happens when you leave 2 Dittos at the daycare in heartgold or soulsilver?

you get a baby ditto

Can Ditto reproduce and how?

There are two possible questions here.Q1: Can Dittos reproduce with other Dittos?A1: ---- (please edit if you know the answer to this)Q2: Can Dittos reproduce with other Pokemon?A2: Yes. Dittos can reproduce with any Pokemon of any gender. The amount of time it takes the two Pokemon to have an egg depends on many factors.

Do 2 Dittos lay eggs on Pokemon?

2 dittos don't lay eggs but a girl Pokemon and a ditto can have an egg the egg will be the same kind of the mother

How many dittos are there in Pokemon diamond?

u can find them wild

How fast do dittos breed in soulsilver?

Dittos breed fairly fast with themselves. With others, it depends heavily on what Pokemon you are breeding it with. Rarer Pokemon take much longer than the average Bidoof does. It depends on what Pokemon you are breeding it with entirely.

How do you get diddo Pokemon in Pokemon black 2?

Dittos can be found in Giant Chasm and hidden grottos

With which Pokemon can leafeon lay an egg other than Ditto?

dittos work with every Pokemon

Pokemon dp how many dittos can you catch?

You can catch as much as you want.