

Best Answer

It's free to make an account, but you have to buy minecraft in order to be premium. You can only be online on one computer. once you register an account you can only have one user on that account , otherwise you would have to register a whole new account, and pay again, so I feel bad for people with brothers and sisters because they have to pay for a bunch of minecrafts. You would need to purchase the game with all of the accounts.

I've tried so many different ways to make two accounts with only paying for one, but it wont let me, so therefore you cant unless you want to download a bunch of cheats and hacks, and get an annoying bug or virus on your computer.

Anymore questions about minecraft i'd love to answer! I'm sure i have all the answers.


The above user put it well, but if you're looking to play with family, there is a way to play for free with one purchase, although they won't have their own account. You must first of all make sure that each family member uses the same computer each time you play. Now, onto the multiplayer part.

With your account you purchased, login to Minecraft and open a SINGLE PLAYER world. Next, hit esc. to pause the game. Then, click "Open to LAN." This will make it so that your world is open to whoever is nearby. For your family members to access it, they'll need to play Minecraft in "offline" mode. To do this, simply click "login" without entering anything in the text boxes. There will be an option that should say "Play offline" once you fail to login (but succeed :D). Once each family member has followed this step, you can click on multiplayer on the main menu. If your LAN world does not appear, first make sure that you have clicked "Open to LAN and have clicked "Start LAN World" after choosing the desired settings. If you have done so, just keep refreshing the multiplayer worlds. After a few refreshes, your world should come up and your family members should all be able to play!

I hope that this answer and the answer by the user above have helped you!! :)

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Q: Can you make multiple accounts on minecraft with one purchase?
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