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Yes, but it requires using a cheat. First, hold down ctrl, shift and c until the cheat window comes up. When it does, type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. Then, shift click on your sim and select tombstone of something and something. There are two letters, but I forgot them. Anyways, a tombstone should appear next to your sim. Click on it and if your sim is pregnant it should say speed up my pregnancy or something. You might have to click more in the menu to see it. Hope this helps!!!

ps, she usually has the baby the next day!!

it's tombstone of L and D.

plus she has the baby in a few hours, not the next day

There is a way, but you have to have a cheat on to make it work. Hold down ctrl shift c. Type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true.* Shift click on the Sim that is pregnant. Click on Spawn, and find more, then click on Tombstone of L and D. The tombstone should appear next to your Sim. Click on the tombstone, with your pregnant Sim, find more , then click speed up my pregnancy. Your Sim should have the baby in a few minutes to hours (Sim time).
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Q: Can you make a pregnant woman have her baby faster in Sims 2?
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