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Not that i know of . So no

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Q: Can people on the sims 3 lose there baby when pregnant?
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On what ps2 games can The Sims get pregnant?

you can on sims platinum and sims bustin out but these games you kiss 2 or 3 times and you have a baby. but on sims 2 some people say you can be pregnant but you have to find different ways to get pregnant

How do you get teenage sims pregnant on sims 2?

Teenage sims cannot get pregnant in the Sims 2. However, young adult sims (sims in college), can be impregnanted by an alien sim and can have a baby in college. You will be happy to know that your sim can also raise that baby while in college too. If you live in a dorm, theres another plus, your sim doesnt have to pay for a nanny, since there are other people around, that will interact with that baby sim.

On sims 2 pets for ps2 can you have a baby?

you can't have a human baby but the way you can have an alien baby is by looking out a telescope at like 7 at night they will obduct you and get you pregnant ( even male sims can get pregnant when obducted )

Can you get pregnant in the sims 2 for ps2?

No you can not have a baby or get pregnant in the PS2 version of the game

Is there a cheat for sims 2 ps2 pregnancy?

No you can not have a baby or get pregnant on The Sims 2 PS2

Do sims grow old in the sims 2 psp. How do you make your sims pregnant in the sims 2 psp.How does your boy sim get pregnant with a alien baby?

no, impossible and impossible only on computer

How do you make sims pregnant?

The sims either have to be in love or married. Buy any double bed, (the bed where 2 people can sleep) have both the sims relax, have them cuddle, and you can then hit the button try for baby. If you hear a ding type sound, she is pregnant

I did woohoo in sims 2 but she isn't pregnant how do i get her pregnant?

you have to get married then there is an option to make a baby

Could you have a baby on sims 1?

you cannot get pregnant but you can have babies

How do you make vampire sims pregnant?

Make them relax on a bed with the Sim who you want them to get pregnant with, then have them "try for baby" - if they are pregnant there will be a lullaby. Although having a pregnant vampire might make them die, as vampire Sims cannot go out in sunlight or they burn and die - and baby Sims are annoying as they can cry at any time.

How do you know if your sim is pregnant on sims bustin out?

they don`t get pregnant they instantly get do you want to have a baby.

How can you make a baby on sims 3 world adventures?

you have to get a woman pregnant you can't create a baby