Yes, you can lose weight if you eat the right amount of food.
not really. Wii fit will help you lose weight. (There is one catch though. You have to get up off the couch and use it.)
Wii Fit does not have a calorie counter. It tracks your weight and BMI (body mass index) against the target weight/BMI you select. As you exercise, it tracks how many minutes you spend per session. **Wii Fit Plus does track the calories burned.
You can change it 2 weeks from when you set it.
Everything I'm reading is 136Kg or 300 Lbs..
BMI is how fit you are. In accordance to your height and age, you should be a certain weight. You cannot really just 'change' it. The only way to change it is to start using the Wii Fit and do some workouts!
not really. Wii fit will help you lose weight. (There is one catch though. You have to get up off the couch and use it.)
its very acurate if you are going to buy i would recomend it if you were trying to lose weight
The weight limit for the wii fit board is 330 pounds. If the a weight above this limit is placed on the board, a message will be will be displayed that the wii cannot weight what's on the wii fit board.
According to the scientist that study weight loss, a child who is obese can or cannot lose weight using Nintendo Wii. Primarily Wii does not help children to lose weight, but you can easily set a goal for yourself on wii fit and use that plus other exercising techniques and food diets to help children lose weight.
get a nintend0o wii with wii fit plus
The Best way for me to loose weight is to go on wii fit! And also have a healthy balanced diet. If you don't have wii fit then you should try going for a walk everyday of the week.
Yes it does. It helps you manage you weight also. The wii fit does really work. If you workout at night for 30 mins. on the wii fit, than you go to sleep and go on the wii fit the next day and take the test thing, you may lose 2 lbs. in JUST ONE NIGHT!!!!!!! yes it's true!!!! It worked for me and within a whole week you will lose up to 6 lbs. at least!
no its a game stupid
no it is just a game
buy the wii fit! with many balance, strength, and yoga games you have fun and gain a fit body. trust me
you going into control and into get fit then scroll down to weight management. or just check on your scales,