Turn your console off before fitting a hard drive. Todo otherwise would risk damaging your hardward and even the data on the hard drive.
when you install to the hard drive 5-7gb
If you don't install your games, I'm pretty sure it's the Xbox 360. It's still my favourite console, but if your games are not running off the hard-drive it sounds like a car engine!
You can buy and install any SATA notebook (2.5″) hard drive (hd), 5400rpm or 7400rpm and install in buy taking of the rear of the PS3. IMPORTANT- This will invalidate the warenty and it is also a goosd idea to back up for hard drive before hand. It is also possible to connect external hard drives but i am not sure how
In short: no. The Xbox 360 has to install an original Xbox emulator program to run the Xbox games. It stores this emulation software on the hard drive.
you should always be able to play online without installing a game
Assuming this is Apple hardware... insert the installation disc and select drive you want to install on. Once installed hold down the alt key while starting up and select the drive you want to boot from.
What are the prosiejers to install a hard drive besides the computers motherboard
select your game libary from the xbox 360 dashboard and choose install to hard drive
You would need to buy Windows XP and install it on your hard drive to replace Windows 7. However there are programs that can run a simulator of XP while running Windows 7.
Yes. Actually, there is no need to remove the hard drive. You can format the existing hard drive and install XP on it as well. Note: Yes, you can there is no need to remove the hard drive. You can format the existing hard drive and install XP. and also you can install both opreting system single computer. XP and vista both.
Did you install Windows XP to the hard drive? New hard drives do not come with an operating system; to boot from it, you have to install one on it.
if you un-install it then re-install it on your extrenal hard drive then you can run it when the hard drive is plugged in. if you want to completely remove it then unistall it first then back your extrenal hard drive up again and it should be gone
This seems to be pretty unsafe. I wouldn't try doing anything like this while the power is on.
You can't; there's nothing to install it to.
Yes. That is where 99% of people install Limewire on their computers.
when you install to the hard drive 5-7gb