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Yes, Kinect works on all consoles. The only difference is the extra port on the back of the new xbox that makes the console look more streamlined.

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Q: Can you have Kinect on xbox 360 elite?
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Will the Xbox 360 Kinect suit an original Xbox 360 console?

I have xbox 360 elite and the kinect fits.

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Which is the best Xbox 360 elite or Xbox Kinect?

Xbox Kinect is a game for the Xbox Elite and other versions you idiot!

Does Kinect work with xbox 360 arcade?

yes they work on both xbox 360 arcade and elite

Can you use Kinect on a xbox 360 elite?

Yes You can but you will just have a another power supply to power kinect or but the Slim

Does Kinect work on the xbox 360 elite?

The old elite needs an adaptor the new one is ready

Can Xbox 360 Kinect play Xbox 360 games?

Kinect is a gaming attachment for the xbox 360. Only kinect games will work of the kinect. You cant use regular xbox 360 games on the kinect.

Can Xbox 360 Kinect play Xbox games?

Kinect is a gaming attachment for the Xbox 360. Only kinect games will work of the kinect. You cant use regular xbox 360 games on the kinect.

Why wont an Xbox 360 elite play Xbox games?

if you mean will an xbox 360 game work on a xbox 360 elite? the answer is that it will. a xbox 360 elite is just a normal xbox but black with some extras like it is black and has a 120 gb hard drive

Does Kinect work on the original xbox or only the 360?

Only on the 360 devices but on any 360 device it just needs a separate power lead on the original white one and also the elite but will not work on the 1st xbox

Can you play Xbox 360 games on an Xbox 360 Kinect?

Yes, you can play Xbox 360 games on Kinect.

Can you play Kinect on xbox 360 elite?

Some games will have kinect compatibility which means you CAN use the kinect but its not needed.