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You can, but this is only possible after beating the Forest Temple, as Shiek will remain standing before the pedestal the Master Sword was found in before then, thus preventing you from returning to childhood.

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Q: Can you go back in time in ocarina of time?
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you get the ocarina as a kid. . .you get the fairy ocarina from saria when you try to leave the forest after beating the deku tree level, the ocarina of time comes after you beat jabu jabus belly... if u need the ocarina of time head for the castle, and it will go into a screen play where kid Zelda throws it into hyrule castles moat. dive down to get it and the go play the time song in the temple of time

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you go to the master sword and put it back on the stone, you can only do that after the forest temple as an adult.

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as adult like you go to the windmill and learn the storm song...then u go back as a child and play it...the well drains

How do you get perude of light in legend of Zelda ocarina of time gamecube version?

after beating the forest temple, go back to the temple of time where the master sword was and Sheik should teach it to you.

How do you travel back time in legend of zelda ocarina of time?

You have to beat the forest temple and go back to the sword pedestal in the temple of time. Talk to sheik and he'll let you put the sword back. If that doesn't work, try after beating the water temple.

Which is better ocarina of time or twilight princess?

ocarina of time

What came first Ocarinas or Ocarina of Time?

Ocarina of Time