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You can get Ursaring in Pokémon Emerald in the safari zone. You can also evolve it from Teddiursa or trade for it.

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Q: Can you get ursaring in Pokemon emerald?
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Where is ursaring in FireRed?


What type of Pokemon is Ursaring?

It depends on you.It's awesome in the anime.Check the stats.

Where can you find ursaring in Pokemon diamond?

route 216,217 and lake acuity with emerald inseted in GBA slot(note:will not work on DSi

How do you get Ursaring on Pokemon Pearl?

Insert the Pokémon Emerald cartridge into the Nintendo DS and you can find it in Route 216, 217 and Lake Arcuity.

How do you catch a ursaring on Pokemon pearl?

After obtaining the National Dex, have Pokemon Emerald in your GBA and check Route 216 (levels 33 or 34), route 217 (level 36) or Lake Acuity (levels 34 or 36). Ursaring appears 8% in all places.

What are recommended Pokemon for emerald?

Salamance, metagross, sceptile, aggron, claydol, ninjask or shedninja, ursaring ( after elite 4) raichu with volt tackle. Rhydon

Which Third Pokemon would be best For My Pokemon Emerald Frontier Team Im Currently Using Ursaring and alakazam?

flygon; evolve vibrava @ lv 45; evolove trapinch @ lv 35

Where can you find an Usaring in Pokemon FireRed?

Ursaring is a Johto pokemon unavailable in Firered you will only see certain trainers use it but you cannot actually capture one. Only Emerald can obtain a Teddiursa which will evolve to Ursaring when leveled up enough and if that doesn't work out for you the only other game that gets one is Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness.

What level does ursaring learn focus blast in emerald?

Never because that move doesn't exist in emerald.

How do you catch ursaring Pokemon HeartGold?

Ursaring and it's pre-evolution are exclusive to Pokemon SoulSilver and cannot be obtained in the HeartGold version.

What is the National Pokedex Number for Ursaring?

Ursaring is #217 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

What level does spinda evolve into ursaring Pokemon platinum?

Spinda does not evolve into any other Pokemon. Teddiursa evolves into Ursaring at level 30.