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No, you must use the Route 207 or 208 entrances to Mt. Coronet to reach Spear Pillar.

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Q: Can you get to spear pillar from route 216 in Pokemon dimand?
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Where do you find Dialga or palika in Pokemon dimand?

It depends if you have Pokemon diamond you find dialga at spear pillar to get palkia you need to trade or use action replay

What Pokemon episode is Spear Pillar in?

Pokemon galactic battle episode 31 is spear pillar

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the spear pillar is only in Pokemon pearl and diamond . it isn't in Pokemon heartgold or soulsilver

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Spear pillar is located at the top of mt.Cornet.

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in spear pillar after the snowpoint gym challenge (spear pillar is in mt coronet)

Where do you catch Dialga on Pokemon diamond?

in spear pillar.(spear pillar is at the top of mount coronet)

Where is spear pillar in pokemon platnum?

Spear Pillar is exactly where it was in Diamond and Pearl; Mt. Coronet.

Where can you get Rayquaza in Pokemon?

Spear Pillar

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GO to the spear pillar. go to youtube and write How to go to the Spear Pillar in Pokemon Platinum.

Where does team galactic go after spear pillar in Pokemon platinum?

After the Spear pillar, they go to Stark Mountain

In Pokemon Diamond which is first Spear Pillar or Sunyshore City?

spear pillar on diamond, pearl, and platinum.