you don't. in Pokemon D P PT, diamond you have to trade from pearl. in perl its at spear pillar. in platinum, you have to interact with it. ( in spear pillar)
how can i get a level100 palkia in pokemon platinum
You get both dialga and palkia when you get their respective orbs which can be found in Mt.Coronet. However, you need to get a member card from a Nintendo event or action replay to get darkrai
the Pokemon is dialkiatina palkia+dialga+giratina (only you can get it with cheat) TTTOOOOOOOOOOOOo BADD!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get the action replay and cheat or if you feel like it you can play the game for a while fly to wherever your rival is sandgem or twinleaf town and he will tell you it has came back.
there is none
Palkia can only be caught in pearl not in diamond if you want palkia trade with some one or get pearl or you can obviously cheat but i dont recommend it...
how can i get a level100 palkia in pokemon platinum
I think that it is impossible unless you use a cheat or something. If you want Palkia catch it in Pearl and then use the poke transfer.
all you have to do is use the cheat to re-battle palkia!
Use an Ultra Ball, not a Master Ball
no, but there is one that can fill your POke Dex completely.
no because no
You have to trade with someone to get Palkia or there might be a glitch or cheat. I don't know I don't have action replay. But those are the ONLY ways you can get palkia. Sorry.
Your talking about Palkia's orb?, No Ar codes for that in Diamond.
to get arceus you need a cheat called the azure flute to go up the stairs.
it is possible to get Palkia in Pokemon diamond if you had a cheat walk anyware.if you have it go out side of the rocks in the water near sunyshore city and you search around it until you find it.