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You cannot get the Aurora Ticket from Professor Oak. The Aurora Ticket is given to the player by a Nintendo event distribution. These events for the ticket are sadly no longer being held.

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Q: Can you get the Aurora ticket from professor oak?
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You can only get the aurora ticket from an action replay code or Nintendo event

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Can you obtain an Aurora ticket on the Pokemon channel?

No, the Aurora Ticket cannot be obtained through Pokemon Channel.

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== ==

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You'll need to defeat the Elite Four and Professor Oak would give you an S.S Ticket to go through.

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Finish the first one and then bring it to professor oak then he will give it to you.

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No, Ash didn't send his Gible to Professor Oak.

How do you get Deoxys on Emerald without the Aurora Ticket?

It is not possible to get Deoxys without the Aurora Ticket for you can only find it on Birth Island.

How do iget the Aurora ticket?

you hack (: