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Yes, but the chances are exactly the same as usual. The only way to increase your chance of hatching a shiny is to have a foreign parent, which halves the shiny chance I think. Hatching a shiny has the same odds of finding a wild shiny.

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Q: Can you get shiny eggs from the red Gyarados?
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How do you get magikarp to evolve into a red gyradose?

Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.

Haw do you get a red Gyarados on Pokemon LeafGreen?

To get a red Gyarados in Pokemon LeafGreen you first need to catch a shiny Magikarp. This shiny Magikarp will be able to evolve into a red Gyarados. This is due to the red Gyarados simply being the shiny color of Gyarados.

Is there a red garidoes?

Yes, there is a shiny Gyarados, a.k.a., the red Gyarados.

Why does Magikarp evolve into Gyarados?

A Magikarp can evolve into a red Gyarados. The Magikarp needs to be a shiny Magikarp in order for it to evolve into a red Gyarados. This is due to the red Gyarados simply being a shiny Gyarados.

Where ca you get a re garidos in LeafGreen?

Red gyarados is actually a shiny pokemon so you would have to catch a shiny magicarp and evolve it in a shiny gyarados (meaning a Red gyarados)

What is a red gyarados?

there is no red gyarados. its just a shiny Pokemon and its red. not a huge thing

Is the red Gyarados in Pokemon platinum real?

Yes, the "Red Gyarados" is actually just a shiny Gyarados.

Who knows a code for a Shiny Gyarados aka Red Gyarados?

be lucky

What is so good about red Gyarados?

Red Gyarados has no advantages over regular Gyarados. Red Gyarados is a shiny Pokemon, which has a different appearance but has identical stats to regular Gyarados.

Can you find red garydose without codes?

Well, yes and no. You can find a shiny magikarp that will evolve into Red Gyaraddos at LV.21. You can't actually find any gyarados without codes. The red gyarados is shiny gyarados. There is a 1/3492 chance of finding shiny gyarados.

Where do you catch a red Gyarados in Pokemon diamond?

A red Gyarados is just a shiny Gyarados. There is no specialty, so just check your Pokédex to see where Gyarados is and start fishing. The chance of a shiny is just too small to look for it purposely. Or you can activate the code for shiny Pokémon and capture Gyarados.

Where to get red Gyarados in diamond?

Put a shiny code in your action replay and they will all be red OR get a magikarp without action replay and hatch it's eggs and hope for shiny! Level it to Gyrados.