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Of course find groudon in terra cave save before attempting to capture it then when you see it if its not a brownish color keep resetting the game until its shiny.

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Q: Can you get shiny Groudon on Pokemon emerald?
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When you get Groudon on Pokemon emerald is it shiny?

It might be shiny but you'll never get it... cause to get any shiny Pokemon it is 1/8192 chance of getting it shiny... so not possible!!!!

On Pokemon Emerald how do you get a Groudon?

You can get a Groudon on Pokemon Emerald in Terra Cave.

Can you catch Groudon in Pokemon emerald?

Yes, You can catch Groudon in Pokemon Emerald.

How can you get a Groudon?

You can get a Groudon by trading it from either Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Emerald.

Where is graudon in Pokemon emerald?

you cannot get groudon in emerald

How do you get shiny Groudon in Pokemon pearl?

You can't

Is there more than one Groudon on Pokemon Emerald?

No. there is only one groudon in Pokemon emerald. if you don't catch it it's gone forever

How do you get Groudon in Pokemon Pearl?

You can not get groudon in Pokemon pearlYou can get it through migrating from ruby, sapphire, or emerald.

What Pokemon game is Groudon in?

Ruby and Emerald.

Where is Groudon in Pokemon Colosseum?

you have to trade him from Pokemon ruby or emerald.

How do you get Groudon in Pokemon Silver?

Groudon cannot be caught in Pokemon Silver. Groudon was introduced in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, which came out after Silver.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in emerald?

Get out you stupids! I'm better! You can't get a shiny Pokemon in emerald! Except for me! Hahahahahahaha!!