You can take away Pokerus, just by not battling for a few days and if you want to know if it went away. Go to your Pokemon status/summary page and see if it has a small frowning face and you'll know that it had went away.
If you really want to get rid of pokerus, you would need to keep the infected Pokemon in your party (alone, so as to prevent other Pokemon getting infected) for twenty four hours. That said, you really don't want to get rid of pokerus. It's effects are purely beneficial. It doubles the EVs you get from battle, making your Pokemon get stronger faster and making EV training much easier.
You cannot cure Pokerus yourself since once Pokemon are infected with it then they will keep it forever however each new day (up to 4 days) the game will decide whether to cure the infectious nature of Pokerus or not. Pokerus is a good thing to have since it will double the amount of EVs that the infected battling Pokemon will earn when an opponent Pokemon is defeated and as long as it remains contagious it can spread Pokerus to other Pokemon in your party however the game will not get rid of the contagious or infectious nature of Pokerus if the Pokemon is placed in a PC Box.
If you get a Pokerus, then you're very lucky. So keep the Pokemon that you want to get the Pokerus spread to, and keep them in your party. As you travel, the Pokerus will gradually spread to all of the Pokemon in your party. Another great note - If you want every single Pokemon you have to get Pokerus, then keep one Pokemon with Pokerus in your PC Box. I think the Pokerus doesn't go away there, so you can keep on spreading Pokerus to every other!
The Pokerus is not a cheat, but a random status aliment that Pokemon can contract. Obtaining Pokerus is largely random, but can be spread by having a Pokemon with Pokerus in the party with other uninfected Pokemon.
There is no Pokerus in Fire Red , im sorry :(
If you really want to get rid of pokerus, you would need to keep the infected Pokemon in your party (alone, so as to prevent other Pokemon getting infected) for twenty four hours. That said, you really don't want to get rid of pokerus. It's effects are purely beneficial. It doubles the EVs you get from battle, making your Pokemon get stronger faster and making EV training much easier.
You cannot cure Pokerus yourself since once Pokemon are infected with it then they will keep it forever however each new day (up to 4 days) the game will decide whether to cure the infectious nature of Pokerus or not. Pokerus is a good thing to have since it will double the amount of EVs that the infected battling Pokemon will earn when an opponent Pokemon is defeated and as long as it remains contagious it can spread Pokerus to other Pokemon in your party however the game will not get rid of the contagious or infectious nature of Pokerus if the Pokemon is placed in a PC Box.
There is no bad Pokerus.AnswerIt is very easy to tell the good PokeRus from the bad PokeRus - there is only one kind of PokeRus, and that is the beneficial one. pokerus is good and all it dose is double the evs you get from Pokemon
The pokerus is a virus that helps your Pokemon level up faster. If an infected Pokemon is at your party, the virus spreads to the other Pokemon. It isn't harmful at all. Getting it is totally random and rare, but if you have it, when you go to heal in a Poke Center, the nurse informs you that one of your Pokemon has it. You can alson check the status of a Pokemon. Where it would say poisoned or paralyzed, it will say pokerus. If you want to get rid of it, simply put the infected Pokemon in a computer box.
first that pokerus second it triple the ev of a Pokemon for 3 days if his in your party if he in the PC the pokerus stays (pokerus its a very good thing) and you should put a Pokemon that have pokerus with Pokemon that don't have but didnt have to make him to get pokerus to.
trade on GTS till you get a Pokemon with pokerus that's how i got my pokerus
you can't really tell if the Pokemon has pokerus i got my pokerus from random battle with a wild Pokemon if have pokerus and you want to spread with the other Pokemon you have will this to do it first put the Pokemon that have pokerus first in your party and the Pokemon you want to have pokerus in the second of your party
If you get a Pokerus, then you're very lucky. So keep the Pokemon that you want to get the Pokerus spread to, and keep them in your party. As you travel, the Pokerus will gradually spread to all of the Pokemon in your party. Another great note - If you want every single Pokemon you have to get Pokerus, then keep one Pokemon with Pokerus in your PC Box. I think the Pokerus doesn't go away there, so you can keep on spreading Pokerus to every other!
Some people say it goes away by itself... or so i'v heard... pokerus goes away on its own. there isn't a sure way to get rid of it, but most Pokemon become immune to if after a while. If it is immune, the pkrs will go away and there will be a small picture of a face next to it. pokerus is a good thing though, you don't want it to go away because your Pokemon will get large lvl up bonuses. (mine gained +4 and +5 on every level up)
The Pokerus is not a cheat, but a random status aliment that Pokemon can contract. Obtaining Pokerus is largely random, but can be spread by having a Pokemon with Pokerus in the party with other uninfected Pokemon.
A Pokerus host is a person who has been active, and gets the Pokerus, causing many people to come and interact with them.
Pokemon get the Pokerus from batting wild Pokemon that have the Pokerus. Chances of you batting a wild Pokemon with the Pokerus are 3 in 65,536.