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You can get more than one starter Pokemon by trading with another person.

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Q: Can you get more than one starter Pokemon with out cheats?
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Where do you find prinplup in Pokemon platinum?

You take Piplup as a starter, and level it up. Other than that, if you're not using cheats codes, that's it.

Which Pokemon game has mudkip as a starter?

Mudkip is available as a starter pokemon in more than one games. They are Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.

How do you hold more than 1 Pokemon on Pokemon creator?

go to change starter and click add

Can you get more than one Adamant and Lustrous orb in Pokemon Platinum?

no if you have cheats you have a 23%chance

Where do you get PIPLUP on Pokemon platimun?

near the beginning of the game you can chose a piplup as your starter Pokemon. Or you can tput up one of your Pokemon for a trade and ask for a piplup in return, other than these ways and cheats it is impossible to spot a piplup in the wild

What Pokemon games let you get more than 1 starter?

The Johto and Kalos ones.

How do you get more than one starter Pokemon on Ruby than the others?

Trading them from another FireRed. Or from LeafGreen. In the game you can't obtain more than one starter, so trading is your only option.

Is lotad a good Pokemon to add to your starter team?

it depends on your starter Pokemon if it is a torchick than its a really good starter

Is Pokemon Platinum better than diamond and pearl?

I believe that Pokemon platinum is better than diamond and pearl because it offers more features, and allows you to do much more cheats and tricks and get more Pokemon through normal game play than Pokemon diamond and pearl. Yes, it is.

Can you have more than six Pokemon Battle Revolution?

its really stupid! you can only hold 6 pokemon!even with cheats doesn't work.

What buttons do you press to git different starter Pokemon on platinum?

U cannot get more than one starter without trading kyogre239

Do the elite four get stronger in FireRed?

yes they do, but the highest lvl Pokemon you will face is no more than 75 which is your rivals starter Pokemon