You can't get another master ball in emerald because there's no one will give you the master ball just the general will give you that.
In each game, there is only one master ball obtainable. However, you can get more master balls with an Action Replay device, or by hacking the game, or by trading over a Pokemon holding a master ball from another game.
The only way to get a Premier Ball in HeartGold or SoulSilver Versions is to trade a Pokemon holding one or by buying 10 or more Poke Balls at a PokeMart.
Yes, you have to cheat or get match all five numbers in the lottery or trade with someone who has a master ball.
There is only one master ball in Pokemon diamond. But there is a cheat for getting a WHOLE lot more. Look it up at how do you get 98 master balls? I don't know where the master ball is I think it's in a team galatic headquarters.
you can't, the only way is trading Pokemon with some other player that holding the master ball!win the lucky drawing, gives you master ball on the fifth time you win
you can't. u only get 1 unless you use action replay or something or get it from another player have the Pokemon he is trading hold the master ball
From what it looks like now, you can't get more then 1 Master Ball in any Pokemon game. However, you can trade them over to another Pokemon game. Example : If you need a Master Ball on Platinum, you can still trade it over from Diamond and/or Pearl, or even from HeartGold and SoulSilver. I'm afraid that's the only option to get more then 1 Master Ball.
Have a friend trade you a Pokemon holding the master ball they received.
There is only one Master Ball available in SoulSilver that is given to you. You receive this Master Ball after you defeat the first 8 gym leaders from Professor Elm. You can receive more Master Balls by winning the lottery in the Goldenrod Radio Tower.
Win the goldenrod lottery.
srry...bbut no you do not get any more master balls unless your like me get 2 dito give one a master ball and put them in the day care untill they have an egg [ yes they can have eggs] and there you go!
Yes in the Goldenrod Lottery Corner if your Pokemon ID completely matches the lucky # you get 1 master ball, caution this will never happen unless you trade with Steven Stone, people in the union room, and the GTS. Hope this helped.:)
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum you can get one master ball from Master Cyrus. To get more, you have to cheat using a Action Replay DS or DSI, or you can trade Pokemon with your friends and receive master balls from the Pokemon that they traded.
You trade Pokemon from friends that's Pokemon is holding a master ball
give one to a Pokemon and trade the Pokemon with the master ball.