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You can only get him in Diamond and Pearl, and Platinum (when it comes out)

well no you can't get leafeon or glaceon sadly in fire red, leaf green, ruby , Sapphire, or emerald you can only get them in the new DS games a.k.a diamond,pearl and platinum and i think they might be in the black and white games but no but i can tell you other eevee evolutions vaporeon: give eevee a water stone jolteon: give eevee a thunder stone flareon: give eevee a fire stone espeon: give eevee a sun stone and make it like you by putting eevee in the front giving it berries and attaching items that will make it happy like soothe bell which you can get by using itemfinder on the top floor of Pokemon tower in lavender town once you get rid of team rocket! umbreon: just like espeon you have to make eevee like you with friendship BUT you have to train it in a dark place like a cave or else it won't work! hope this helped =D

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Q: Can you get leafeon on Pokemon FireRed?
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Where are mossy rocks in Pokemon FireRed?

If you mean to elove eevee in into leafeon , then that's imposable leafeon doesn't exist then, its a ds exculsuve. Moss rocks don't exist in gba games.

How does eevee evolve into leafeon in fire red version?

Evee will never evolve to leafeon in firered because leafeon wasn't created until diamond, pearl and platinum came out meaning it doesn't exist in firered.

How do you get leafeon in fire red?

Sorry, Leafeon is a Sinnoh Pokemon. FireRed/LeafGreen are Both Kanto/Johto/Hoenn, Although if you mean in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, You bring an Eevee(Can't be level 100 or it won't work) to the 'Mossy/Grassy Rock'(Which is in 'Eterna Forest'), press 'A' on the rock, and get Eevee up one Level. After getting it up one level, it will evolve into Leafeon right after you win the battle. Hope this helped. If it does not work, your Game is glitched, or has went through a problem while saving.

Who has a leafeon in Pokemon indigo?

whoever has a leafeon i will trade a flareon

Leafeon is a grass type?

Leafeon is a Grass type pokemon.

Where to catch leafeon in Pokemon indigo?

You can catch Leafeon in Celadon City where Misty is.

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl which trainer has a Leafeon?

In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, you find a old man at route 212 with a Leafeon.

How do you evolve evee into leafeon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't leafeon doesn't exist in leafgreen.

How do you evolve eevee into leafeon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't leafeon doesn't exist in leafgreen.

What type is the Pokemon Leafeon?


Where to get staryu in firered?

In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.

How do you get to the Pokemon convention in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no Pokemon convention in firered.