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you cant but you can trade it from Pokemon Pearl

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Q: Can you get glameow in platinum?
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Can you get glameow on platinum?

no you can not glameow and misdrevus is on pearl sorry!

How do you get Glameow on Pokemon platinum?

To get Glameow on Pokemon Platinum you will need to trade for one from Pokemon Pearl. In Pokemon Pearl Glameow appears on Routes 218 and 222.

Can you catch a glameow in Pokemon platinum?

yes. u can catch glameow in route 218 and 222

In Pokemon Platinum is it possible to catch glameow?

no you cannot catch a glameow on Pokemon Platinum unless you trade for it from someone who has Pokemon Pearl (since you cannot catch it in Pokemon Diamond either).

Where do you get glameow on Pokemon Platinum?

You can't get Glameow in Pokemon Platinum. You can trade it off the GTS or trade it from Pokemon Pearl because you can't get it in Pokemon Diamond either. It's the same with Stunky, Misdreavus and Murkrow.

Where do you catch a Glameow?

In Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum at route 218 and 222

What Pokemon are excluded in Pokemon Platinum version?

Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow, Purugly, Stunky, and Skuntank.

Can you get glameow in Pokemon platinum?

you can if you transfer it through pal park or trade someone else for it but you cant catch it in the wild

Where do you catch glameow on Pokemon Platinum?

You have to trade it from Pokemon Pearl. In Pearl, you can get it on Routes 218 and 222. I got the information from

Are all Glameow female?

No, not all Glameow are female. There is a 75% chance of Glameow being female and a 25% chance of Glameow being male.

How do you get a glameow on Pokemon platinum?

For whoever answered this question is the idiot himself, because he doesn't know how to write idiot: he wrote idote. What an "idote."

Where do you find a glameow on pearl?

you get glameow on route 222