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Q: Can you catch glameow in Pokemon diamond?
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Can you catch glameow on Pokemon diamond?


Where can you catch a glameow?

Glameow cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond. This kitty pokemon can be found in Pokemon Pearl on route 218 and 228. Glameow can be traded to Diamond from Pearl.

In Pokemon Platinum is it possible to catch glameow?

no you cannot catch a glameow on Pokemon Platinum unless you trade for it from someone who has Pokemon Pearl (since you cannot catch it in Pokemon Diamond either).

How do you get a glameow on pokemon diamond i cant trade?

well you can use your gameshark or your ds cheat.and the you can catch a trainers glameow.

How do you get a puruguly on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't. You need to catch a glameow on Pokemon pearl, evolve it and/or trade it over to diamond

Where do you catch a Glameow?

In Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum at route 218 and 222

On Pokemon Pearl what Pokemon do you get instead of Scyther?

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl both have set of Pokemon that they catch. For example Diamond gets stunkey and pearl gets glameow.

Where can you catch Glameow in pokemon diamond?

Without trading or cheating, you can't. It's a Pearl exclusive.

What is the differenence between Pokemon Pearl and diamond?

Not much. Pokemon diamond and Pokemon pearl have different Pokemon. for example, in pearl you can catch a glameow but not a cranidos and in diamond you can catch a cranidos but not a gleameow. And at the end of pearl you can catch Palkia the legendary and at the end of Diamond you can catch Diagla. But the games are basically the same. And there you go.....

What Pokemon can Pokemon pearl catch that diamond can't catch?

fossil,shildon,cascoon,dustox,misdreavus,glameow,purugly,bonsly,sudowoodo,and palkia.

How do you get a glamoew on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't get Glameow in Diamond. The only way to get a Glameow in Diamond is to trade it from Pearl.

Can you catch a glameow in Pokemon platinum?

yes. u can catch glameow in route 218 and 222