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you can't buy whistles

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Q: Can you get a whistle in Animal Crossing Wild World?
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What is the whistle in Animal Crossing Wild World?

There is no whistle in wild world.

Do you need all the types of fossilsin Animal Crossing wild world to get the whistle?

No i have animal crossing and i dont think that it is true no one has told me or i have not seen a cheat about getting a whistle. No you cant get it if anyone can i apologize .

How do you get the whistle on animal crossing wild world?

Well if you give tom nook 50 unchecked fossils he will give you a whistle and someone will take you to the moon.

On Animal Crossing Wild World do you give the fossils to Tom Nook unexamined or examined to get the whistle to get to the island?

Examined. He won't blow the whistle if Blathers does not exam them.

How do you have a baby on Animal Crossing wild world?

You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World

Ia there an action replay code what give you a whistle what calls cappn on animal crossing wild world ds?


Can you get a boat on Animal Crossing wild world?

No. You are unable to get a boat on Animal Crossing Wild World.

Do you find Wisp on Animal Crossing Wild World DS?

No, he isn't in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

How many Animal Crossing are there?

One for DS : Animal Crossing Wild World One for Wii : Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City One for Gamecube : Animal Crossing Wild World (Same title as Ds) :)

Can you have a fountain on Animal Crossing wild world?

No, not on Wild World; only in City Folk and the original Animal Crossing.

How do you leave your city on Animal Crossing wild world?

You cannot leave your town on Animal Crossing Wild World.

Is there a well on Animal Crossing wild world?

well there can be a well on animal crossing wild world if you build can one