u dont
you dont lol
no where it's fake
Download Diamonds and starcoins cheat MovieStarPlanet
cheat engine 5.5
download cheat engine
You use Cheat Engine 5.5 or Cheat Engine 6.0, but I use Cheat Engine 6.1, you have to install one of them then go onto moviestarplanet then put it on 500.0 then make another account, then give the other account a lot of autographs, or see your other account's movies really fast, and rate them all 5/5
you can't use cheat engine without downloading.
To install cheat engine you can go to the related link, then you're just one click away from installing. Please note that although the cheat engine program itself is not illegal, using it for illegal activities such as cracking programs is very illegal.
you cant cheat anymore really without a cheat engine sorry but if you do have a cheat engine its still quite hard but there is some how to's on youtube
not possible
It's almost impossible and hard to cheat it without Cheat Engine. But you can download and search the internet for "Trainers". These trainers are built files that can do specific things at a time within the game.
Go to gameandcheats.com and search moviestarplanet hack