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No. If you use the 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled' code and click on a Maid, or any other 'Service' NCP, you have the option to 'Make Selectable' giving you control of that character. When you do this, look at their job status, it says that they're unemployed.

Also note that these NCP's cannot leave your house lot without becoming invisible. Don't go send your butler to get new clothes, he might not come back with a body. So finding him is a nightmare.

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Q: Can you get a job as a maid on sims2?
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No you cant.I tired to.It doesnt work.When it says "sims2" it means it needs sims2! No you cant.I tired to.It doesnt work.When it says "sims2" it means it needs sims2!

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