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no you cannot, i would suggest paying a friend to use their card when you buy something

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Q: Can you get a card for money on steam?
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Can you add money to your steam account without using a credit card?


How do you add money to your steam account?

1) Go to the steam website.2) Log in and put in your credit card number or PayPal.There are many options,excepta phone.3) Log in your steam and you will see it in the right corner.

Is there a steam gift card?

Most of the countries in the world especially in the Europe, Steam Gift Card is Available in most of the GameShop

Does Steam have prepaid cards?

Some websites where you can buy Steam Wallet Cards, crazygametime:, $5, $10, $20, $50 offgamers:, $20, $50

Does steam need a credit card?

You don't need to enter your credit card info to get steam, or to play most of the "free-to-play" games. If you want to purchase a game or an in-game item through steam, you will have to provide them with your credit card info at that time.

Is steam safe to put your credit card on?

Yes, they have 25+ million users and they do their best to protect your info. however, if you are in doubt then you shoulden't have you credit card info on steam. Delete it.

If you get a iTunes gift card does it already have money on it?

no when you get the card they take money off the card and put it in the card

What is the correct expression Put money in my Student card or upload money on my card or charge my card with money?

well i guess it would be put money in your student card upload is like for a computer loading money and charge it is taking money away

Does steam cost money to download?


Are credit card and debit card money What is difference between credit and debit cards?

A credit card is when you are loaned money by the card company and are able to use it before hand; after which you have to pay them back. A debit card on the other hand is a card with your money on it and you use it as you wish but once the card has no money left, you have to put more money on it before you can use it again.

How is the Walmart Money Card different from a normal Visa credit card?

The Walmart money card is different from a normal Visa credit card because an individual has to deposit money on the Walmart card before he or she can purchase items with the card. Whereas the Visa credit card already has money on it, or a certain amount of credit.

Why can't i purchase a money order with my credit card?

Because there has to be real money on the money order. A credit card is a loan of money to you.