you cant but you can trade it from Pokemon soul silver
IPKE-4DFFBF91 - Soul silver
trade them to heartgold
Talk to Mr.Pokemon after you get a red scale from the red gyarados
you have to beat team rocket in goldenrod city
Golduck, Quagsire, Lapras, and Starmie.
heartgold but you can get vulpix in soulsilver
you can't find it... but at heartgold and soul silver you can find staryu at route 19 and 34 and also cherrygrove town, Cianwood city, and Olivine City.
HeartGold and SoulSilver are DS remakes of Gameboy versions Gold and Silver.
you can't get to any of the Sevi island in Pokemon Heartgold and soul silver
go to walmart
No, not yet anyway.
no heartgold is kyogre
There is latios and groudon.
you cant but you can trade it from Pokemon soul silver
Arceas has to be caught in Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum, then traded to Soul-Silver and HeartGold.
Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver are currently available, if you cannot find it I recommend you buy it online.