the answer is yes you can. unless the flip summoned monster's effect destroys it or prevents attacking. You can only attack if you flipped in Main Phase 1, you can't after your battle phase
Yes, this is legal. You may perform one Normal Summon or set per turn, and as many Flip Summons as you wish.However you cannot Flip Summon a monster Set that turn, nor if you Flip Summon a monster, turn it face-down in the same turn using an effect, can you Flip Summon it again that turn. Lastly if a monster declares an attack, and is flipped face-down in response, it cannot be Flip Summoned that turn.
A Reverse Summon is the Japanese name for what the TCG calls a Flip Summon. To Flip Summon a monster, in your main phase 1 or 2, you manually change the position of one of your monsters from being Set, into face-up Attack Position.
When, you flip summon a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" monster, it was before in face-down defence position and now is in face-up attack position. You can only use this in a turn in which you have not already done anything with that monster card. You can not summon it into face-down position and then flip it straight away - you must wait until the next turn.
A monster flipped face-up by a card effect, such as "Book of Taiyou" or "Stop Defense", or as a result of battle is notconsidered a Flip Summon. Only flipping a Set monster manually is considered a Flip Summon.So if you attack a face-down Stealth Bird, it will be flipped but not Flip Summoned, so its effect will not activate.
Yes of course. Special summoning never affects what can attack or not, unless specifically stated otherwise. You could normal summon and special summon a monster in main phase 1 and attack with both.
No, a 'Flip Summon' is a manual change from face-down defence to face-up attack position in one of your main phases. If the monster is flipped from an attack, or by an effect, then this is a Flip, but not a Flip Summon. Therefore regular Flip Effect monsters like Night Assailant will trigger from being attacked, but monsters that require Flip Summoning like Guardian Sphinx will not.
Yes, this is legal. You may perform one Normal Summon or set per turn, and as many Flip Summons as you wish.However you cannot Flip Summon a monster Set that turn, nor if you Flip Summon a monster, turn it face-down in the same turn using an effect, can you Flip Summon it again that turn. Lastly if a monster declares an attack, and is flipped face-down in response, it cannot be Flip Summoned that turn.
Torrential Tribute and Bottomless Trap Hole can only be used in response to a monster's summon. Attacking a monster does not summon it (note that if the monster is face down, this is a Flip and not a Flip Summon).
A face-down monster can only be Normal Summoned in face-up ATK position.
Generally, no. Synchro Monsters are initially Special Summoned FACE-UP. Therefore, there is not a need for it to be Flip Summoned. However, that Synchro Monster may be affected by a card effect such as Book of Moon. In this case, the Synchro Monster is changed to face-down Defense Position. You can then Flip Summon it when possible.
Assuming the Magician of Faith was set a previous turn, then yes, that's legal. You can flip summon it in Main Phase 1, triggering its flip effect. This in no way stops it, or any other monster declaring an attack in the Battle Phase.
A Reverse Summon is the Japanese name for what the TCG calls a Flip Summon. To Flip Summon a monster, in your main phase 1 or 2, you manually change the position of one of your monsters from being Set, into face-up Attack Position.
during your next turn after placing a monster you can flip summon it
Yes, as long as the monster wasn't summoned in that same turn. If you summon a monster, and the opponent Sets it, you can't flip summon it that turn. If you'd summoned it on a previous turn, and the opponent Set it, then you can Flip Summon it.Book of Eclipse is best used in the battle phase, since the player has to wait until main phase two to flip summon, missing the chance to attack.
This depends on the specific monster and its abilities. If a monster's summon is negated and the monster destroyed, it is likely that its effect was never able to be activated in the first place. In this case, its effect would never have applied
yes. monsters like giant rat or shining angel lets you summon a monster when they are destroyed by battle, so if you are battling and you attack and kill your own shining angel, you can summon another monster and attack with that one.
When, you flip summon a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" monster, it was before in face-down defence position and now is in face-up attack position. You can only use this in a turn in which you have not already done anything with that monster card. You can not summon it into face-down position and then flip it straight away - you must wait until the next turn.