make sure the server isn't having problems or maintenance that day.
minimize traffic on your network. meaning stoop as many downloads as possible or lower their bandwidth usage/allocation.
get at least an ISP wich give you a connection >500kbs
you can play fix it felix Jr.
1st connect the electricity, 4 straight wires, it's easy. Then Attach the long gear belt to the already spinning large gear. Add the small gear to the end of the belt. Attach the large gear on top of the small gear just placed. Attach the short gear belt between the new large gear and the small red existing gear. Good luck.
the only way to fix a scratch is buy going online to and search -disc cleaner;) there are ways....
Blue screen when playing online
Yellow puffle at stage. Bring him snow and a photo of the missing gear. He will make it. Do not put it in the clock or else it will melt. Go to lab. Put snow model of gear into the freeze/hot/water machine. Press the freeze button. Now you will have an ice gear. Put it in the clock.
Most likely, you have a worn speedometer gear. The gear is located on the rear right side of the transmission tail housing. A black plastic sensing unit screws onto a metal receiver that contains the gear. The metal receiver is held in place with a bolt and metal retainer. You will notice that the retainer has a flat edge that indexes on the metal receiver, and the metal receiver has two flat edges. Remove the bolt and retainer, and rotate the receiver so the metal retainer indexes on the other flat edge. This will index the gear in a new location where it is not worn. If this does not fix the problem, your sensing unit may be defective.
Put it in boiling water
You can fix a broken linkage in a 1999 Navigator truck by simply adjusting its Gear Shift.
To fix a gear shift light, the first thing that needs to be done is checking the fuse box to make sure that all fuses are intact. The reason you would fix a gear shift light is, so you know what gear you are in. Driving in the wrong gear can cause transmission problems.
There is no way to change gear ratios.
pinging is caused by not enuff gas for the hill. try a little more gas or a lower gear. you might also get a tune up. if that doesnt fix it, use a higher octane fuel
There are a couple of ways to stop a ping of death. If you have an anti-virus and firewall installed on your PC this will prevent this from happening. Also because a ping of death can cause your PC to freeze up you can reboot to fix this issue.
What's wrong with it, The simple solution is to fix it :)
Allowing an engine to ping excessively can do serious damage.
What to do when the gear is stuck in park on a Honda 2001
there is one or two speed sensors on side of transmission to tell it when to shift. They are magnetic. When they get covered in metal shavings, they quit functioning. Pull them out, wipe off the metal shavings with a soft lint-free rag, and re-install them. This may fix your problem. It worked for me, when mine was stuck in first gear....... Good Luck :)