Yes, it can since the Nintendo DS lite is slightly smaller than the original DS
D/L and un-zip a freeware program called 'Super'. Run Super, follow instructions for converting a DVD movie (actual DVD disk) into .dpg drag and drop onto your micro sd card. Fit micro sd into R4!
Sorry to say but the other charger can't fit into the other system.
no u cant a dsi cant fit in a ds case i tried a dsi is bigger than a ds
Yes, they can fit.DS/DS Lite Slot-1 games are exactly the same as DSi Slot-1 games, but Gameboy Advance (GBA) games are not supported by the console.Important:Any Nintendo DS game which requires an addon that uses the GBA slot, is not supported on the Nintendo DSi (eg. DS Lite internet browser or Guitar Hero: On Tour)Note:Because of the above reason, do not sell your Nintendo DS Lite if you intend to play Guitar Hero On Tour. :)
yes they do
Yes, you can use ds lite games in the original Nintendo ds. They are not making new specialized games for the Nintendo ds lite. they are still making games that fit both the original DS and the Nintendo DS Lite.
Yes, it can since the Nintendo DS lite is slightly smaller than the original DS
D/L and un-zip a freeware program called 'Super'. Run Super, follow instructions for converting a DVD movie (actual DVD disk) into .dpg drag and drop onto your micro sd card. Fit micro sd into R4!
No, the DSi has its own, separate charger.
The Mask of Miracles will only work with the Nintendo 3DS, the game card does not physically fit into the older Nintendo players.
Most games, I believe. But, The Guitar HeroTM games do NOT fit the DSi.
Sorry to say but the other charger can't fit into the other system.
no u cant a dsi cant fit in a ds case i tried a dsi is bigger than a ds
I have l;ooked on the internet and there apears to be an R4 adapter card that supports this type of feature. More research needs to be done on this.
Yes, both will.
the plug-in tip is to small and it doesn't fit the shape.