yes after you defeat the elite four again note: they'll be level 70 and higher harder then red times 5 you wont probably get through to the 3rd one but... I did.
You can catch Lombre in Pokemon HeartGold in the Safari Zone at a waterside area once you receive the National Pokedex.
After a while once you battle a lot with the Pokemon (without letting it faint to much) then it will start to like you more. That's what I did with my dratini and it really likes me now :)
You Find it in the Vermillion City Pokemon Club. and Then once you have it just go up to her and press A
Once beating whitney, you get the watering can, water it XD
you dont get the pokeflute you use the pokegears radio once you can in kanto and tune it to the pokeflute channel
you must defeat the elite 4, after are you going to mt silver again.
mt.moon once and check evrey day at the Pokemon league and one day he should be there
In Pokemon Heartgold Raikou and Entei are roaming around the region, while Suicune awaits you to come across its path before running off, and waiting for you once more.
You can catch Lombre in Pokemon HeartGold in the Safari Zone at a waterside area once you receive the National Pokedex.
Once you have a Pokemon on your PC. Please see the related link below.
Once you can get to the other region you can find it in viridian forest.
you can go to blackthorn city
You cannot. Once in Black/White it cannot be sent back
After a while once you battle a lot with the Pokemon (without letting it faint to much) then it will start to like you more. That's what I did with my dratini and it really likes me now :)
Technical Machine it can only be used once and you can get lots of them.
In different places. First fight: After Professor Elmo rings you up to say there's a disaster at his lab, on the way back down Cherrygrove your rival comes and challenges you. Second Fight: At Azalea town after you rescue all the Slowpoke and you go down to the forest. Third Fight: I can't remember the rest. Last Fight: At the League. Then at Dragon's Den, you can fight him once a week. I hope I helped. Good luck with Heartgold and Soulsilver ;)
Yes.yes, once you get the national pokedex in Heart Gold you can then trade Pokemon from sinnoh