Step 1. get the Pokemon you want to evolve and trade. offer it for something random ( such as a Magikarp lvl 1 or a Bayleef lvl 60)
Step 2. after that, trade anything for anything.
Step 3. take the Pokemon you wanted to evolve back. It will evolve.
no, you have to trade them.
NO,you will have to trade it to evolve it.
there is no possible way to make him evolve with out trading. you have to trade to make kadabra, haunter, and many others to evolve
Try the GTS trick.
There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.
It won't evolve without trading
All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.
no, you have to trade them.
No, you must trade the certain Pokemon that need to be traded to evolve to make them evolve.
NO,you will have to trade it to evolve it.
there is no possible way to make him evolve with out trading. you have to trade to make kadabra, haunter, and many others to evolve
Try the GTS trick.
There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.
You can use a cheat. Otherwise, there is no way.
use to evolve pokemon that can evolve only by trading
You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.
Evolve graveler by trading. I hate those Pokemon that evolve by trading!