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Q: Can you evolde Scyther without trading?
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Can you evolve scyther without trading?

Scyther only evolves when you give it metal coat and trade it.

How can you catch a Scyther in leafgreen without trading or without a gameshark?

you can evolve scyther by making it hold a metal coat which you find after beating the elite 4.make scyther hold it and trade it but then trade it back to you to make it evolve.

How do you evolve Scyther without trading it in platinum?

You have to be able to trade scyther holding metalcoat to evolve it unless you use an AR to make it possible to find scizor in the wild

How do you evolve Scyther without trading?

You can't, it needs to be traded with a Metal Coat.

How does scyther evolve in pokemon?

Scyther evolves by attaching a Metal Coat to it and then trading it to another player.

How do you catch Scizor in pokemon?

you can't. without cheating. You need to evolve a scyther by trading it while holding a metal coat.

What Pokemon evolve without trading?

All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.

How do you evolve Scyther in Pokemon?

Scyther evolves into Scizor by letting it hold the item Metal Coat and then trading it to another game.

What level does Scyther evolve on in Pokemon crystal?

Scyther only evolves by trading it and while it holds the Item Metal Coat.

How do you get scyther to evolve in Pokemon diamond?

you evolve scyther by trading it when holding a metal coathe evolves when you trade him with a metal coat

What level does Scyther evolve at in Pokemon heart gold?

Scyther evolves by trading it while it is holding a Metal Coat(item)

How do you get Scyther in Pokemon Black?

Trading, Wi-Fi or Action Replay.