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No you cannot duplicate a ditto on Pokemon Diamond because they would be turning into themselves which is virtually impossible because you are already yourself so you would basically be doing nothing.

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Q: Can you duplicate a Ditto on Pokemon Diamond?
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Duplicate Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond code?

i don't know the code but there is another way you can if you have a fire red you catch a ditto and send him to the diamond version then you take any Pokemon rare candy or poke ball and they have an egg and you hatch it and its the Pokemon you put with ditto

Can you duplicate Pokemon in any Pokemon gba game?

in fire red version go to island four if you have a ditto and put the Pokemon with the ditto in the day care there and wait for the egg and in the egg there is the Pokemon you put with ditto p.s.can not duplicate rare Pokemon in fire red version go to island four if you have a ditto and put the Pokemon with the ditto in the day care there and wait for the egg and in the egg there is the Pokemon you put with ditto p.s.can not duplicate rare Pokemon

Can you duplicate rare Pokemon with a Ditto on Pokemon pearl?

its is super RARE

How do you duplicate on Pokemon LeafGreen?

first catch a ditto. then go to island 4 where you can breed pokemon. put the ditto in with a pokemon. the lady will tell you they dont like each other but they will breed a duplicate pokemon.

What is a easy way to duplicate Pokemon?

If you have a ditto,put ditto with your other Pokemon.Then you will get a egg.If you don't have a ditto,You can migrate one from a Pokemon fire red.

How do you duplicate items in Pokemon Platinum?

from what i know, you can't. srry. :) but you might get lucky and find someone. from: flyguy007 Hi this is flyman1111 i think you can duplicate items in Pokemon platinum all you have to do is get a ditto and a Pokemon with thief make sure the Pokemon with thief is holding the item you want to duplicate then you get into a double battle use thief on ditto and ditto will have the item that the Pokemon with thief has =] hope it has helped and worked

Can you get a ditto from bebe in Pokemon diamond?


How do you duplicate Pokemon in firered?

Get a Ditto from Route 13 or 15 and breed it with the Pokemon you want to duplicate. The Pokemon you want to duplicate has to have a gender and you have to use the daycare on Four Island and Route 5.

What is the Pokemon that breeds with other Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?


How do you duplicate Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

It's the same as any other game. Ditto+ Pokemon you want to duplicate (not legendaries)xthe Pokemon daycare= Egg. Hatch the egg and you either have a duplicate Pokemon OR the first evolution of that Pokemon.

How do you get a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire?

I'm afraid you cant get a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire. You can only get ditto in Emerald. However you can also get ditto in Diamond and Pearl.

Can ditto breed with prehistoric Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

Yes It Can