

Best Answer

No codes are available at sites for the free items and other items like PSN cash cards are one time use

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Q: Can you download psn code generator on ps3?
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It is illegal to do so if you have not bought a PSN card, entered the code on the back, and downloaded it through the PlayStation Store.

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Can yo use a PS3 psn code on PS vita?

Technically yes you can. Your PSN account is a Sony-wide service regardless of the device you are using it on. You can redeem a PS3 code while on the PSVita's own PSN 'app', and it will be added to your PSN account. However of course, that will not let you use the PS3 content on the PSVita.

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you have to go to psn (play station networks) and download it. remember, you can only unlock him on the ps3.

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No, it costs $5.99 on the PSN

Can you download PS3 games onto your PS3 console?

If your PS3 is connected to the PSN or Playstation Network you can purchase games at the Playstation Store.

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How do you get the plug ins for psn code generator?

Getting the plug-ins for the PSN code generator for the Sony Playstation 2 or 3 is fairly simple. First, check sites with the term PSN code generator. That will lead to about four or five legitimate sites to search. From there getting the software to a PC or Mac will lead to getting usable codes on the Playstation Network.