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Yes, premodded maps people made

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Q: Can you download mods into your Xbox 360?
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How do you get aether for Xbox 360 minecraft?

The Aether mod is not available for Xbox 360 because you cannot download mods on the Xbox 360 version.

Can you get minecraft mods on xbox360 edition?

You can't get mods on the Xbox 360 because it can't download mods at all.

Can you download hacks into your Xbox 360?

Yes. Your xbox may have to be modded before allowing unrestricted download. -- No, but you can install mods on your xbox.

How do you download a mod to Xbox 360?

Impossible. An Xbox 360 System cannot be Modded For games. and it's Illegal to Mod An Xbox 360 System too.

How do you download mods to Star Trek legacy from computer to xbox 360?

The Xbox 360 version of Star Trek: Legacy cannot be modded.

Can you use your ipod touch to download mods for the xbox 360?

No, the iPod Touch cannot be used to download mods for the xbox 360. The iPod Touch was not made to hold mods of anything. The iPod Touch can only hold what it was made to hold - apps, songs, videos, and photos.

How many Xbox 360 Minecraft mods are there?

There are none, the Xbox 360 edition does not yet contain any mods.

Where do you get mods for Xbox 360?

No, no, no. You can't get mods for the 360. You see, mods are for computer only. Now, if you're an experienced technician or you buy some certain stuff, you can download mods onto your PC and emulate them onto your 360. Some people know how to take apart a 360 and insert a chip or something that plays mods. Otherwise, there's no such thing as mods for a console.

Can you put fallout new Vegas PC mods from fallout nexus onto the xbox 360?

Currently, there is no way to attach third-party mods onto Fallout: New Vegas for the Xbox 360. However, it is possible to go to certain sites and download mods onto a flash drive as long as you have the download Xplorer 360 or Xport 360 onto the flash drive. Your flash drive must be larger than 1GB.

How do you download mods on Halo 3?

If you have Xbox live. Maps on halo 3 for mods. go to, make a profile with your gammertag and look for the mods under community. just simply type in mods under the map seciton. it will automatically download to your 360 if you click download on it. I recommend planet mod.

Where can one find Xbox 360 case mods?

One can find Xbox 360 case mods and instructions on how to do a case mod at the websites of Instructables, Hack n Mod, Xbox 360 Achievements. Youtube also has several videos on case mods.

Can you use mods for minecrft xbox 360?

Unfortunately no, you cannot. Mods are only available for the PC version (and Pocket Edition if you really try to mod it). The closest thing to a mod in the XBOX 360 version would be the resource packs available for download.