2 ways: 1: go to japan 2: get a Japanese game
The Japanese translation for dark stone in the American versions of the game was dusk stone. The dusk stone cannot be found in games prior to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
there is a way by which you have to download the english patchh for the game get the delta patcher and simply patch it that way
A hack of Pokemon SoulSilver that makes the game harder and adds new Pokemon not in SoulSilver, along with new game events.
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No, you will need a Japanese game to do that.
Yes, as the Game Boy line does not have a region lock.
No, pokemon rumble blast have his own passwords you can check all of them in http://serebii.net/rumble2/passwords.shtml NOTE: there are american passwords, pal passwords (europe and australia) and japanese passwords, put the codes of the game you have for example you cant put japanese passwords in american game.
The time in the game follows the time on your ds's settings. If you change it there it will change on the game.
Pokemon events allow you download gifts through wifi onto your pokemon game.
Yes all version's of a Pokemon ds game are compitable with another .
The respective items and event Pokémon are indeed programmed into the game but even in the Japanese version Nintendo has to give the event items out.
There is the Pokemon card tournaments and video game tournaments.
No, just get a flashcart instead. Flashcarts allow you play any DS games for free by downloading ROMs. The Pokemon Black Japanese ROM will be online when the game is released.
2 ways: 1: go to japan 2: get a Japanese game
pokemon events, or trade the event pokemon from a diamond/pearl/platinum game.