yes you can, you know on the bottom screen when the boy and girl caracters are riding a cow? there are two options that come up New Game, Continue Game. tap new game then pick the slot you want to start a new game on then it will take you straight to when the ship is leaving and you hav to put in your name and birthday etc.
start a new game and choose to overwrite the information
To erase a file on Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Or More Friends of Mineral Town You have to start a new file and save it on the file you want to delete! Simple????
The year the harvest festival began is 1834
yes the following code will stop time press L to stop time and R to start it again. 94000130 FDFF0000 02049694 00000000 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 02049694 E5C51015 D0000000 00000000 yes the following code will stop time press L to stop time and R to start it again. 94000130 FDFF0000 02049694 00000000 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 02049694 E5C51015 D0000000 00000000
You can't delete badges unless you start a new game.
Speak with him everyday for a week or more without offering any gifts. After that he should start accepting your gifts.
It takes two years after your child is born for him/her to start crawling. It takes two more years for him/her to walk.
You get the cat from the start of the game in Harvest moon ds and Harvest moon ds cute but on Harvest moon sunshine islands you have to spend 30,000G in mirrabelles shop to get the cat you can choose from either a white cat or a black cat!!
in your house there is a black phone stand in front of it and tap it then you can save your game you can also just press the start button then click save
No. The gender is randomly set before the baby is even born. There is no way to change it.
start a new game and choose to overwrite the information
On the first few days you can't give it to him but if you talk to him everyday, you can start giving him gifts. Get something(make sure it is something he likes!) and give it to you by pressing A when you are standing in front or beside him.
I only know how to delete a game on harvest moon DS, as that's the only hm game i have. You can delete your game two ways. You can either: Save your game, but in the middle of saving switch off your DS. Or you can start a new game and save over your old one. Hope this helped x
To erase a file on Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Or More Friends of Mineral Town You have to start a new file and save it on the file you want to delete! Simple????
you need to first talk to him twice a day for three days and start giving gifts such as willd grasses. after 3 or 4 days, he'll give you the fishing rod which is very, very useful in making money. goodluck!
It happens the same way as if you were playing as a boy. Upgrade your house one more time Buy the Child's Bed Keep your spouse very happy After that just wait to get the pregnancy event. It takes at least 30 days after your marriage.
you get them for free when you start but if you want to use wonderfuls in them you need to buy new ones from gannon