Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
It is at shadowfall in the evil shop,it costs 50000 gold
Travel Map Sail East Shapeshifter Training Buy Spell: 500 Gold And you must be level 1 --Then you must do the quest, and on every quest there are 5 rounds. For every quest you do you get an monster to shapeshift in. But you have to have the level to do a quest. You're level depends on which monster you're gonna get! - (Sorry for bad English)
thirteen1 code then you can have thirteen1 badger helm visit valencia and evan better oicu812 for awsome sword that costs 3 gold
The Crossroads are the place where you battle 2-16 monsters depending on your level and you might get a rare treasure chest or a different treasure chest containing gold.
No. you can however convert Z-tokens into gold at a ratio of 1:3000, that is , 3000 gold for every 1 Z-token.
You will occasionally get a few z-tokens (and the gold) by watching the ads Ballyhoo shows
You need to open the Ballyhoo's chest, sometimes there may be some tokens. And you need to fight a lot. Higher level = more tokens (and gold ofcourse~!)
You can kill monsters, sell items, watch ballyhoo ads, trade Z tokens , find treasure chests, and there might be a few quests that give gold.
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Imposable smarty
You have to be a developer or moderator to have a gold name.
by killing stuff. There are 2 types of currencies. Gold, which is only in-game currency, and can only be earned in game. There is also Z-Tokens. These are very rare in-game, and are usually bought with cash (from the real world)
killing monsters and getting gold and exp.
just keep on farming
Yes. javascirpt:("stop_hacking")
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