Not unless you have an action replay plugged into the back of your DS.
You can usually catch others Pokemon by using a Master Ball(does not always work)
Other than the masterball try using a lot of ultra balls.
First, give a masterball to a Pokemon (suggestion: legendary,) then put it in an empty box. When it is finished doing the "Saving... do not turn off the power" thing without u pressing A, shut it off. when u turn it back on, it should have your Pokemon in your party, and your masterball in your bag. the Pokemon u copied will also be in your PC and it will be with the masterball!!! this cheat also works on other versions
no but if you catch all the hoenn pokemon you can catch jotho and kanto pokemon
You are not allowed to catch other trainer's pokemons on any of the Pokemon games. You may only catch Pokemon from the wild or receive them through other means (events, game corner, eggs, etc.)
do you mean catch other peoples' pokemon? you can't.... not even with with a masterball!!!!
If you really want to, use your masterball because it never fails. Masterball fails on other peoples Pokemon. I learnt from my mistakes... you cant catch trainers Pokemon it wont work with any type of poke ball(it would've been cool if you can catch trainers Pokemon though=)
not only can you not capture other peoples Pokemon, you will throw away a poke ball for nothing!you can only trade for other peoples Pokemon
You can use a Action Reply codes to catch other trainers pokemon.
Well,the masterball should be used on what pokemon you think it is your favorite but the best choise for the masterball catch is the mighty lvl 70 MewTow how is a pain in the hole to catch with other pokeballs,but that is your choise
You can usually catch others Pokemon by using a Master Ball(does not always work)
You can't, it's impossible!!
a master balls can unfailingly catch and Pokemon unless the Pokemon owned by another trainer and it is best not to waste them on weak Pokemon easy to catch and use them on dialga and other legendary Pokemon you only have one chance to catch in the game.
YOU CAN'T CATCH OTHER PEOPLES POKÉMON. it's against the pokélaw:)
Other than the masterball try using a lot of ultra balls.
You can't if you try to its one pokeball wasted.